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Conflict Management Coaching

Conflict Management Coaching is a structured process that helps individuals on a one-to-one basis, to develop or enhance their skills, knowledge, and competencies, to more effectively engage in and manage interpersonal conflicts that may arise in the workplace. It is a voluntary, confidential process involving a trained conflict management coach that focuses on each individual's conflict management goals. The coach's role is to assist and encourage the individual to reach their goals.

Types of conflict management coaching

  • Dispute specific involves coaching an individual regarding their goals that relate to resolving a dispute, preventing an unnecessary one, or managing conflict more effectively.
  • General conflict competency involves assisting individuals with their reactions and traits that preclude effective conflict management.

Conflict Dynamics Profile

In addition to the different types of coaching, individuals have the option to use a Conflict Dynamics Profile to become better acquainted with their constructive and destructive behavioral responses to conflict. The assessment can provide practical approaches for improving behaviors that promote more effective workplace conflict resolution, as well as provide an individual with an organizational perspective on conflict.

There are two formats for the Conflict Dynamics Profile:

  • The Conflict Dynamics Profile-Individual is for use by one individual
  • The Conflict Dynamics Profile-360 is for use by an individual with input from others within their department or organization

Any information associated with the assessment tool is not shared with anyone other than the conflict coach. Use of the profile is optional for Dispute Specific coaching, and highly recommended for those participating in the General Conflict Competency type of coaching.

Hot Buttons

Hot Buttons are irritations and annoyances that can provoke an individual into conflict, as well as the situations or characteristics in others that aggravate and frustrate them. In the workplace, Hot Buttons can lead an employee to be less productive, efficient, organized, and creative, and can negatively affect their life outside of work, as well as physical and emotional well-being.

The Conflict Dynamics Profile contains a section dealing specifically with Hot Buttons.  

Learn more about the resources available to assist with conflict resolution.